Saturday, June 1, 2019

No Pain and no trial is wasted

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I am so sorry for not blogging for quite some time. I had multiple opportunities to share a post time to time but I just didn't feel inspired to share anything on the blog. I eventually encouraged myself to write a post again.

Anyway, this post should take up to three minutes to five minutes to read. I only assume some people feel that they are wasting their times whenever they are suffering pains and whenever they are going through trials.

Some people may ask, why do we suffer pain in this life?

The answer is that we all suffer pain because it is something that we need to go through in life.

Some people may ask, why do we experience trials in this life?

The answer is that we all experience trials in life because it helps us to become stronger individuals whenever we go through near future and future trials in life.  

Just remember that Jesus Christ has suffered for all of our sins. He knows how we feel each day and each night. We all need to constantly remind ourselves that no pain that we suffer and no trial that we experienced is wasted.

It absolutely helps us to gain experience in life, helps us to become stronger person and sometimes helps us to be able to help others how to get through their own trials in life.
What can we do to help others to acknowledge that the pain that we have suffered isn't wasted in life? 

What can we do to help others to acknowledge no trial that they experienced is not wasted in life? 

Stay tuned until next time. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Are you preparing yourself for missionary service?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. This post should take up to three minutes to five minutes to read. I would like to ask you a few questions, you can ask yourself and answer the questions either now or in your own time.

Are you preparing to serve as a missionary for full-time mission? Are you preparing to serve as a missionary for young church service mission? Do you see yourself serving a mission one day?
This post is shortly based on a April 1985 General Conference and the talk is called, "Prepare Yourselves for Missionary Service" by Ezra Taft Benson. I would like to share with you the part that I liked what he mentioned and I hope you will learn something new. 

"Let me suggest four ways that you young women can prepare now for your missions"

First, prepare yourselves physically. 

A eighteen mission today requires good physical health. It requires that you keep your body clean. In your early teenage years, when temptations come to you to take things into your body which are unsuitable, have the courage to resist. Live the Word of Wisdom - no smoking, no drinking of any alcoholic beverages, and no drugs. Keep your body pure.

Stay morally clean.

This means that you keep a clean mind. Your thoughts will determine your actions, and so they must be controlled. It’s difficult to control those thoughts if you submit yourself to temptation. So you will have to carefully select your reading material, the movies you see, and the other forms of entertainment in order to have good thoughts rather than unwholesome desires.

Second, prepare yourselves mentally. 

A mission requires a great deal of mental preparation. You must memorize missionary discussions, memorise scriptures, and ofttimes learn a new language. The discipline to do this is learned in your early years.

Establish now the daily practice of reading the scriptures ten to fifteen minutes each day. If you do so, by the time you reach the mission field, you will have read all four of the standard works. I urge you to read particularly the Book of Mormon so that you can testify of its truthfulness as the Lord has directed.

Third, prepare yourselves socially. 

A mission requires that you get along with others. You must get along with your companion, who is with you twenty-four hours a day. You must learn to meet people and be gracious and practice good manners. One of the greatest assets that a person has in life is the ability to make friends. When you make a friend of a person, you can teach him the gospel.

Fourth, prepare yourselves spiritually.

A spiritual person obeys all the Lord’s commandments. He prays to our Heavenly Father, and he gives service to others.

Yes, young women, prepare now. Prepare yourselves physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Always be obedient to authority. Start a savings account for your mission if you haven’t done so already. Pay your tithing, and seek a testimony of the gospel through study and prayer."

If you are preparing for your mission, I definitely would recommend you to read the whole talk either now or in your own time. The link is below.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

What type of challenges do you face in life?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. This post should take up to five minutes to read. I would like encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time. The questions is;

Do you face challenges as you are or as you were preparing for becoming a Temple Ordiance Worker? Do you face challenges as you are or as you were preparing for a full-time mission?
Do you face challenges as you are or as you were preparing for getting married?

What type of challenges do you face in life?
"Challenges are what make life interesting.
Overcoming them is what makes them meaningful."
You may ask me the following question, what kind of challenges do you face as you were preparing for becoming a Temple Ordinance Worker?

I didn't faced too many challenges as I was preparing for becoming a Temple Ordinance Worker. You may experience challenges as you are preparing for becoming a Temple Ordiance Worker. It may take some time to obtain a current Temple Recommend, it may take some time to work out if becoming a Temple Ordiance Worker is the right decision for you to do and so forth.

You may ask me the following question, what kind of challenges do you face as you were preparing for a full-time mission?

I faced some challenges as I was preparing for a full-time mission but I would like to put in perspective that there are going to be times when ... because each individual who prepares for a full-time mission may experience different challenges than I did.

There are going to be times when you may feel Satan's temptations to stop you from preparing for a full-time mission. There are going to be times when you may get distracted and focused on other things that may seem more important than focusing to finish filling out your mission papers.

There are going to be times when you may feel giving up and stop preparing for your full-time mission. There are going to be times when you may forget the reasons why you are serving a full-time mission. There are going to be times when you may feel that your testimony is getting weak. There are going to be times when you may feel your knowledge of the gospel is lacking.

Stay Tuned until next time.