Wednesday, November 28, 2018

God's Help is only a prayer away

First and foremost, I encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

"When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help for approval?"
"When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help for support?"

"When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help to get through a challenge?"
"When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help to get through a difficulty?"
"When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help for getting instructions to do better?" "When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help to get through an unexpected trial?"

"When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help to make you feel loved?"
"When was the last time you said a prayer for asking God for his help to cheer you up?"

If you haven't prayed to ask God for his help recently, I strongly encourage you to pray and ask God for his help. He would not answer your prayer if you do not make the effort to say a sincere prayer and ask him today. I know that he is happy for you when you do pray to him often and ask him questions often.

I know God will be happy to help you out if you ask him for his help, not once and awhile but often. So you will need to say a prayer to ask God for his help today.

I strongly encourage do not wait until tomorrow comes when you can say a prayer today. You can even say a prayer after reading this post. I strongly recommend you to always remember God's help is only a prayer away.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Between Hope and Faith

This post is short and sweet. This post is based on a song called "Fine Lines" by Kent Moran. The song was played during a section a movie called, "Listen to Your Heart."

I would like to strongly encourage you to think about the following questions in your own time.
"What is your definition of Hope?" and "What is your definition of "Faith?"

I would like to share with you an audio of the song that is shown below and I hope you're able to click on the video.
If you can't click on the audio above, here's the link below.

What did you think about when listening to the song if you did listened to it? If you haven't heard the song, I encourage you to listen to it in your own time. What was your favourite part of the song?
"A fine line between hope and faith and it starts, with understanding. Sometimes
you gotta leave it all behind. Find time, to figure out your life."
I love a part of the song. That part of the song is shown on the Image above. It's so true what it says, because almost everything we all need hope and faith and does makes starts to know to understanding what is hope and faith.

I don't see myself without having Hope and Faith in my daily life and I don't see others without having Hope and Faith in their daily lives too. Readers, I don't know what you can get out of this post by reading it. I think the most important would be having the understanding of what Hope is and what Faith is.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

How can I stand as a witness of God?

First and foremost, I know some readers aren't members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints which I understand that they may not have a full understanding of who Heavenly Father is. Heavenly Father is loving father in Heaven or in other words, God.

If you don't know who God is; God is a creator of the Earth, he is perfected and glorified. I hope you will learn something new as you read this post.

I know that I can stand as a witness of God by sharing my testimony about I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church, sharing my testimony about I know families can be together forever, encouraging non-member friends to read The Book of Mormon daily even if it is two minutes a day, etc.

As growing up in the Church, I learnt that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I remembered each Sunday in Young Women's, the Young Women's stand up and say the Young Women's Theme outloud. I remembered loving a section of The Young Women's Theme that stood out to me the most which was "We stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places."
"Stand as a witness of God at all times, and in all things, and in all
places." - Mosiah 18:9.
Readers, I would like you all to remember that Heavenly Father does loves you. He knows your weaknesses, he knows your trails, he knows your tribulations, he knows your struggles, he knows your strengths and HE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE!

You can talk to Heavenly Father by praying to him at any time of the day and at any time of the evening. He is always listening. He may not answer your prayers straight away, but don't feel discouraged if he doesn't answer your prayers. He will answer in his own time and when we are ready to willing to listen to him.
If you have spare ten minutes to fifteen minutes now, I strongly encourage you to watch the video that is above, that talks about stand as a witness of God at all times, in all things and in all places. She also mentioned about an experience that she went through how she was able to stand as a witness of God.

I loved listening and watching the video. It helps to understand that Heavenly Father is there, and knowing that I need to improve better how I can stand as a witness of God at all times, in all things and in all places. I hope you will learn something new as you watch that video. If you are not able to watch it now, I encourage you to watch it in your free time.

Stay tuned until next time.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I would like to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" to all the readers. I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following question either now or in your own time. "What is your definition of thanksgiving?"

I know that I have been sharing posts every three days about what I have been grateful for and I know that I am grateful for so many other things. I definitely could see myself sharing many more blog posts based on what I am grateful for because there's so many things that I'm grateful for.

I know that I could go on and on about what I am grateful for. I have learned that I need to be more grateful as each day goes by. For an example, I should be more grateful about the things that I already have, the clothes that I have, etc.

From this Thanksgiving, I would like all of us to appreciate the little things even when we don't think the little things matters to us at this present time. I know that most times in our lives, we get too distracted and caught up of focusing on the bigger things in our lives.

Who would have thought that this time last year; I was studying the Pathways Program, I have no Church calling, I was working over twenty hours a week and I was single? Well at this present time, I have graduated the Pathways Program, I'm here in Texas, and I'm engaged.

When we get too distracted or don't recognise those little things, then we would become unknown to little things in life.

"appreciate the little things."
Little things can be simple. It can be like random act of kindness, such as letting your brother or your sister to know that you love them, or making a new friend, and many more.

When we do recognise the little things in life, we have to something about it. We can't just act like nothing has happened and it wouldn't change a thing that it has happened. We can make those little things turned into big things. If we continue to allow those little things turn into big things, eventually  it will become an impact into your life.

For an example, you have decided to call a friend. It could be a friend who you haven't spoken to for quite some time or a friend you know who is struggling or a friend who loves to talk to you. He or she will appreciate your call. If he or she doesn't answer, leave a message.

I encourage you to think about these two questions "What can you do to make the current little things turn into big things?" What are some of the little things that you appreciate for?" in your own time.

Stay tuned until next time.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Do you ever listen to God with a Broken Heart?

First and foremost, I encourage you to think about and ask yourself the following question in your own time. "Do you ever listen to God with a Broken Heart?"

In this life, we all have to experience sadness. In this life, we all have to experience happiness.
In this life, we all have to experience excitement. In this life, we all have to experience peace.

In this life, we all have to experience hurt. In this life, we all have to experience pain.
In this life, we all have to experience joy. In this life, we all have to experience fun,
"Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it,
but also the father who wipes away the tears." - Criss Jami.
In this life, we all have to experience some worst days and some worst evenings.
In this life, we all have to experience some great days and some great evenings.
In this life, we all need to seek guidance from Heavenly Father. In this life, we all get along.
In this life, we all need to seek forgiveness whenever we are making mistakes.

If you can't see the Image that I have shared for this post, it says "Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it. But also the Father who wipes away the tears. - Criss Jami."

I think we should always listen to Heavenly Father all the time, especially whenever we are feeling a broken heart. If we are praying to him with tears, he will comfort us and he will wipe our tears away. Heavenly Father doesn't like seeing us feeling sadness and he loves seeing us feeling happiness.

I know he will never leave us alone. He is always by our side whenever we are making the righteous choices. I know he always loves seeing us whenever we are experiencing joy. I know he loves seeing us whenever we are experiencing excitement. I know he loves seeing us whenever we are peace.

I know he loves seeing us whenever we are progressing, I know he loves seeing us whenever we are not giving up on some things so easily. I know he loves seeing us whenever we are forgiving others.

I know loves seeing us whenever we are forgiving ourselves from the mistakes that we did.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

You, Your Future Spouse and God

This post is long. The time for you to be married may soon be approaching, or it may be years away, I would like to share with you a post based on how the couple should have committed to each other and both of the individuals to be committed to God as well.

I would like to thank a friend who have suggested me to do a blog post based on, "You, Your Future Spouse and God."
The way that I see it, is apart of The Family: A Proclamation Of The World. I would share with you 2 parts that relates to this post.

"HUSBAND AND WIFE have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.

THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.

By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed."

I 100% agree with that and I think that it should always be marriage between man and woman.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Day 13 to Day 15: I am grateful for

This post shares three days worth of three things what I am grateful for.

Day 13: I am grateful for Latter-Day Saint Temples. Why am I grateful for Latter-Day Saint Temples?

I am grateful for Latter-Day Saint Temples because of many things. I would like to share with you some of those many things: I do know that Latter-Day Saint Temples is a place where I can feel the Promptings of The Holy Ghost, I can receive personal revelations for myself, and I can receive spiritual blessings. 

I also know that Latter-Day Saint Temples is a place where I can feel very happy, joy, comfort, peace, directed to the righteous path and etc. I also know that I kept myself a massive goal to be married in a Latter-Day Saint Temple one day but I just don't know when. Hopefully sometime before I turn 25 years. 

I love making the effort to attend Brisbane Latter-Day Saint Temple often, I miss making the effort to attend Perth Latter-Day Saint Temple often, and I miss traveling to variety of Latter-Day Saint Temples while I was in Utah.
Day 14: I am grateful for Jesus Christ. Why am I grateful for Jesus Christ?

I am Grateful for Jesus Christ because he means a lot to me in my everyday life, his atonement helps me to overcome sin, his atonement helps me to overcome death, he is a great example to me (such as becoming a better leader to my fellow peers),

I know that he cares about me, I know that he knows about my personal needs, I know that he knows how much pains, heartbreak, and sufferings hurts, his atonement was to pay the price of everyone's sins, mistakes, and many other reasons.

I encourage you to think about the following questions:
What is your understanding about Jesus Christ?
When was the last time that you thought about Jesus Christ?
Are you grateful for Jesus Christ in your everyday life?
"I am grateful."
Day 15: I am grateful for Courage. Why am I grateful for Courage?

I am grateful for courage because I always like trying something new, whether it is eating different culture traditional foods verses learning to speak in a different language. I always have courage to stand out from the crowd and always remind myself that I am unique because I know that I have a rare condition that some people may not acknowledge what it is called until I tell them about it.

It is okay to be not okay, it is okay to be different compare to everyone else and as each of us as an individual, have different personalities and have different ways of doing things.

Are you grateful for courage?

Stay tuned until next time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Beautiful Mornings

This post is based on April 2013 General Conference talk called "Beautiful Mornings" by Elder Bruce D. Porter. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk. Elder Porter mentioned,

"Tribulation and difficult times may lie ahead, yet we too have cause for good cheer and rejoicing, for we live in the last dispensation, when God has restored His Church and kingdom to the earth in preparation for the return of His Son. President Boyd K. Packer once spoke of his grandchildren and the increasingly troubled world in which they live.

He said: “They will see many events transpire in the course of their lifetime. Some of these shall tax their courage and extend their faith. But if they seek prayerfully for help and guidance, they shall be given power over adverse things.”

Brothers and sisters, we need not fear the future, nor falter in hope and good cheer, because God is with us. To His Saints in our day, the Savior has said, “Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you” (D&C 68:6).
Every one of us, and our families, can be armed with the power of God as a defense if we will but remain true to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and let the Spirit be our guide. Trials may come, and we may not understand everything that happens to us or around us. But
if we humbly, quietly trust in the Lord, He will give us strength and guidance in every challenge
we face. When our only desire is to please Him, we will be blessed with a deep inner peace.

I think also of two other beautiful mornings in the history of the world. In the spring of 1820, on the morning of a beautiful, clear day in Palmyra, New York, a young man named Joseph Smith entered a grove of trees and knelt in prayer. The answer to that prayer, the appearance of the Father and the Son, ushered in the dispensation of the fulness of times and the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth.

And yet another beautiful morning dawned nearly 2,000 years ago just outside the city wall of Jerusalem. The sun no doubt shone with exceptional radiance that Easter morning. A small company of women had come to visit a garden tomb, hoping to anoint the body of their crucified Lord. Two angels met them and declared: “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen” (Luke 24:5–6)."

I encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time. Here's the link below.
Stay Tuned until next time.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Day 10 to Day 12: I am grateful for

This post shares three days worth of three things what I am grateful for.

Day 10: I am grateful for Heavenly Father. Why am I grateful for Heavenly Father?

I am grateful for Heavenly Father because he loves me, he always listen to my prayers, he knows my strengths, he knows my weaknesses, he knows who I am perfectly, he cares about me, he helps me to make the right choices, and many other things.

Don't ever forget this: Whenever you are feeling happy, Heavenly Father is feeling happy too. Whenever you are feeling upset, Heavenly Father is feeling upset too. Whenever you are feeling sad, Heavenly Father is feeling sad too.
Day 11: I am grateful for income. Why am I grateful for income?

I am grateful for income because I love receiving income from work and the government even though I mostly strive my best to reply my income from working. Having income helps me to be able to spend my money wisely, paying any of my bills either on time or early and being able to help me to be able to save now and being able to save some funds for my future.
"I am grateful for ......."
Day 12: I am grateful for I am Grateful for the Scriptures. Why am I grateful for the scriptures?

I am grateful for the scriptures because I have a strong testimony of the scriptures, the stories from the scriptures relates to today's society, and many other things. I encourage you to ask yourself, think about and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

"Do you allow some spare time during your day or evening to read the scriptures?"
"When was the last time you read the scriptures? Was it today?"

"Do you have a some sort of testimony of the scriptures?"
"Does the scriptures answers some of your questions?"

I invite you to read your scriptures daily if you haven't been doing so already. You can do what I have been doing which is I have been reading the scriptures from the first cover of The Book of Mormon to last page of the Bible for a period of time. Are you grateful for the scriptures?

Stay tuned until next time.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Never quit

This post is short and sweet. First and foremost, I encourage you to think about and answer the following two questions either now or in your own time. "What do you do when you are about to give up?" and "What is your definition on never quit?"
"Never quit. If you stumble, get back up. What happened yesterday, no longer matters. Today's another day so get back on track and move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it."
I love the Image above as a motivation to continue to follow my dreams and goals. It's reminder to know that whatever happened yesterday no longer matters because I would need to focus on today is another day.  I know that whenever I am stumbling, I always have to get myself back up especially whenever things aren't going the way that I wanted it to happen.

Always remember this, "Do not let anyone stop you from following your dreams and goals. Always strive your best to focus and follow your dreams and goals."
Stay Tuned until next time.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Day 7 to Day 9: I am Grateful for

This post shares three days worth of three things what I am grateful for.

Day 7: I am grateful for My Life. Why am I Grateful for My Life?

I am Grateful for My Life because I have achieved many things in this life so far, I have learnt many things in this life so far such as I can learn from the past, I can learn from my mistakes and errors, etc, I learnt to have a great understanding of my feelings, and many other things.

I encourage you to think about the following three questions in your own time:
Are you proud of your good achievements in this life so far?
Are you realising that everything changes? Are you grateful for your life?
Day 8: I am grateful for My Qualifications and Certificates. Why am I Grateful for My Qualifications and Certificates?

I am Grateful for My Qualifications and Certificates because I like studying, I know that I have timeless time and effort towards my Qualifications and Certificates, it's always a great feeling to have whenever I finish a Certificate or Qualification, I always love learning something new, and sometimes with the things that I have learned that I am able to apply it to my life.

I encourage you to think about the following questions.
What qualifications or/and short certificates courses have you completed in this life so far?
What degree or short certificate course are you currently studying towards?
Are you still thinking of what you want to be?

If you are studying towards a degree or a short certificate course, is it something that you want to do for a career choice? Are you grateful for your Qualifications and Certificates that you have achieved if you have any?
"Thankful and grateful."
Day 9: I am Grateful for My Friends who is serving their Missions. 
Why am I grateful for your friends who is serving their mission?

I am grateful because I am happy and proud of their decision to serve their missions. I know Heavenly Father is watching over them and their families as each day and each night goes by. I always love reading their mission stories each week, I always love sharing with them about my highlights that has happened during my week, I always love learning something new from each of them almost every week, etc.

You may ask me the following two questions,  "How do your friend's mission experiences has helped you?" and "How their experiences makes you feel?"

Their experiences helps me to build a stronger testimony about Missionary Work. Some of their experiences makes me feel happy and joy; some of their experiences makes me laugh, and some of their experiences makes me cry.

On some weeks; what they say to me, is something I need to hear at the time.
On some weeks; they ask me some questions for me to answer the following week.
On some weeks; whatever they say to me, is something for me to do.

Are you grateful for any of your friends who are serving their missions at the moment?
Has any of their experiences has helped you in your life?

Stay tuned until next time.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Brightness of Hope

This post is based on a October 1994 General Conference talk and it is called, "Brightness of Hope" by Neal A. Maxwell.

After I finished reading a few paragraphs of the talk, I thought about that the talk will make a great blog post based. I encourage you to think about your definition of Hope. I would like to share with you, some highlights while I was reading the talk and I hope you will learn something new while you are reading the post.

Neal A. Maxwell mentions,

"Hope helps us to walk by faith, not by sight. This can actually be safer. When unaided spiritually, natural sight often shrinks from the odds (see 2 Cor. 5:7). It is immobilized by improbabilities. Mauled by his moods and intimidated by his fears, the natural man overreacts to, while hope overrides, the disappointments of the day.

Hope is particularly needed in the hand-to-hand combat required to put off the natural man (see Mosiah 3:19). Giving up on God and on oneself constitutes simultaneous surrender to the natural man.

By pressing forward, we can stand on what was yesterday’s horizon, thereby drawing hope from our own experiences. Hence Paul described how “tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope” (Romans. 5:3–4).

Only the acceptance of the revelations of God can bring both direction and correction and, in turn, bring a “brightness of hope” (2 Nephi. 31:20). Real hope does not automatically “spring eternal” unless it is connected with eternal things!

“What is it that ye shall hope for?” Moroni wrote. “Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ” (Moro. 7:41; see also Alma 27:28). From this triumphal act, resulting in the eventual resurrection of all mankind, so many lesser hopes derive their significance!
"Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God."
You and I can be repeatedly reassured concerning this grand hope by the Comforter, who teaches us the truth about “things as they really are, and … really will be” (Jacob 4:13; see also Moroni. 8:26). Such hope constitutes the “anchor of the soul” (Hebrews. 6:19). Such hope is retained through faith in Christ (see Alma 25:16; Ether 12:9). In contrast, a resurrection-less view of life produces only proximate hope (see 1 Corthians. 15:19).

Having ultimate hope does not mean we will always be rescued from proximate problems, but we will be rescued from everlasting death! Meanwhile, ultimate hope makes it possible to say the same three words used centuries ago by three valiant men. They knew God could rescue them from the fiery furnace, if He chose. “But if not,” they said, nevertheless, they would still serve Him! (Daniel. 3:18.)

Faith and hope are constantly interactive, and may not always be precisely distinguished or sequenced. Though not perfect knowledge either, hope’s enlivened expectations are “with surety” true (Ether 12:4; see also Romans. 8:24; Hebrews. 11:1; Alma 32:21). In the geometry of restored theology, hope has a greater circumference than faith. If faith increases, the perimeter of hope stretches correspondingly.

Humble hope helps us to improve by being sufficiently free of ego to ask, “Lord, is it I?” (Matthew. 26:22.) Submissive hope also readies us to “give away all [our] sins” because we have come to know Jesus, who alone can take them! (Alma 22:18.)"

I encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time. Here's the link below,

Stay Tuned until next time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Day 4 to Day 6: I am Grateful for

This post shares three days worth of three things what I am grateful for.

Day 4: I am grateful for Missionary Work. Why am I grateful for Missionary Work?

I am Grateful for Missionary Work because I always love sharing the gospel with others, I always get to experience what it is like to be a Sister Missionary already, I always learning something new when I go with the Missionaries, it always helps me to build a stronger testimony about Missionary Work and many other reasons. 
Day 5: I am Grateful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint Religion a.k.a. LDS or Mormon Guidelines. Why am I Grateful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint Religion a.k.a. LDS or Mormon Guidelines?

I am Grateful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint Religion a.k.a. LDS or Mormon Guidelines. because I know that the Guidelines of the religion wouldn't ever change, not even once and the guidelines were set to keep the church members safe and happy.

I do know whenever I don't follow the guidelines correctly, I don't feel the Holy Ghost promptings, I don't feel peace, I don't feel happy, I don't feel joy, I don't feel comfort, and so much more. However I do know whenever I do follow the guidelines correctly, I always feel the Holy Ghost promptings, I feel peace, I feel happy, I feel joy, I feel comfort and so much more.

I encourage you to ask yourself the following three questions in your own time.

When you don't listen to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint Religion a.k.a. LDS or Mormon Guidelines correctly, how does it makes you feel? Are you grateful that there are guidelines?
"Gratitude is the best attitude."
Day 6: I am Grateful for Safety and Protection. Why am I grateful for Safety and Protection?

I am Grateful for Safety and Protection because I love seeing signs about keeping me safe and protected, I love getting to places safely and protected, I always put my faith and trust that I will go to places safely either by driving to or riding a bike to or walking to or catching a train to or catching a bus to or catching a plane to and some other reasons too.

In this world;  I know there are type of people who would take someone by deceiving her or him (such as tricking them about something isn't true), I know there are type of people who lie about their age on Facebook (for those who has Facebook, needs to be extremely careful who they talk to on Facebook), etc.

You get the idea. I know there are signs to keep people safe and protected when they are obedient to the signs. I encourage you to think about these two following questions:
Do you put your faith and trust that you will get to places safely?
Are you grateful for Safety and Protection?

Stay tuned until next time.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Ask, Seek, Knock

First and foremost, I would like to encourage you to think about, ask and answer the following questions either now or in your own time. "What is your definition of ask?" "What is your definition of seek?" and "What is your definition of knock?"

This post is based on October 2009 General Conference talk and it is called "Ask, Seek, Knock" by Russell M. Nelson. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you;
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall
be opened." - Matthew 7:7-8. 
"For each of you to receive revelation unique to your own needs and responsibilities, certain guidelines prevail. The Lord asks you to develop “faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God.”

Then with your firm “faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, [and] diligence,” you may ask, and you will receive; you may knock, and it will be opened unto you.

Revelation from God is always compatible with His eternal law. It never contradicts His doctrine. It is facilitated by proper reverence for Deity. The Master gave this instruction:

“I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end.

“Great shall be their reward and eternal shall be their glory.

“… To them will I reveal all mysteries [and] my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom.”

Revelation need not all come at once. It may be incremental. “Saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more.” Patience and perseverance are part of our eternal progression.

Prophets have described what they felt while receiving revelation. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery reported that “the veil was taken from our minds, and the eyes of our understanding were opened.”

President Joseph F. Smith wrote, “As I pondered over these things which are written, the eyes of my understanding were opened, and the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me.”

I encourage you to read this talk in your own time. Here's the link below.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Day 1 to Day 3: I am Grateful for

This post shares three days worth of three things what I am grateful for.

Day 1: I am Grateful for My Family. "Why am I grateful for my Family?" 

I am grateful for my Family because my Family means a lot to me. I always love my Family, that's right I really do. I love spending time with my Family. I always love my
Parents, I always love my sisters and I always love my brother. I always strive my
best to talk to my Family nicely.

I always love My Family's love for me. I love getting to know each of my Family members.
I always love my Family's support for me. I always love my Family's care for me. I always love when my Family uses kind words to each other. I always love showing my righteous examples to my Family.
"be grateful."
Day 2: I am Grateful for Making New Goals. Why am I grateful for making new goals?

I am Grateful for Making New Goals because making new goals gives me time to think about, some goals gives me another chance to achieve, and sometimes I love making new goals.

I always make new goals at the start of each year. I always make new goals at the start of each month. I always make new goals at the start of each week. I always make new goals that is short-term goals, and I always make new goals that is long-term goals.

Sometimes I make new goals that is hard to achieve and that is easy to achieve. I strongly encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following four questions either now
or in your own time.

"What do you do when you achieved a goal?" "Are you grateful for making new goals?"
"Do you like making new goals?" and "How often do you make new goals?"
Day 11: I am Grateful for Overcoming Challenges. Why am I grateful for Overcoming Challenges?

I am Grateful for overcoming challenges because challenges is apart of our daily lives, overcoming challenges is a great feeling, overcoming challenges helps me to feel strong, and overcoming challenges helps me to become a better person.

We must admit, we all go through challenges and we all go through times to overcome challenges. It always takes time to overcome challenges. We shouldn't expect overcoming challenges is a easy thing to do.

I think overcoming challenges is a learning experience for everyone, I think overcoming challenges is to help everyone to become a stronger person, and I think overcoming challenges is to help everyone to become a better person than they were before facing the challenges. 

I encourage you to think about following questions and feel free to answer any of the questions in comments section below (if it isn't personal):

"Are you grateful for Overcoming Challenges?" "If so, why are you grateful for overcoming challenges?"
"Have you felt the difference between how you felt before facing the challenge to after facing the challenge?"
"What are you doing to overcome the challenges that you have?"

Stay tuned until next time.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Finally in Texas

This post is short and sweet. I recently arrived into Texas safely, and I'm very grateful that I'm finally here. I flew from Brisbane, airport to Los Angeles airport for twelve hours and forty-five minutes. I had total of four hours to five hours ish sleep. I was in Los Angeles airport for roughly three hours ish before I fly again. I flew from Los Angeles airport to Love Field, Dallas - Texas airport for two hours and forty minutes ish.

I may have experienced less sleep of total flying time but I did not experienced any jet-lag. I remembered being so worried before I flew out of Brisbane airport that I may experience jet-lag either during my layover at Los Angeles or sometime after I arrive at my final destination.

Some people mentioned to me that I may have been too excited and look forward to reunite with my boyfriend again. After all, I have not physically been with him since July 24th, this year. We both were ninety-nine days away from each other. I somehow did not recognized my boyfriend when he was at the airport to come and picked me up. I was so happy to be with him again.
Obviously; I do not share too much about my personal life on the blog because I do not wish to share too much information about my life and I would rather to keep a journal about my personal life. All is well.

I would highly recommend to check out the following website to watch any vlogs that I would be sharing during my time in Texas.

Happy belated Birthday to my boyfriend, I have arrived two days which seems to be that I was his greatest birthday gift for him.
Stay Tuned until next time.