Monday, December 31, 2018

What has Year 2018 taught you?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I would like to encourage you to ask yourself the following questions and answer it either now or in your own time.

Did you discovered any new weaknesses? Did you discovered any new strengths?
Do you feel satisfied on the things that you have achieved during this year?
Did you moved into a new house? Did you started a new job?

Did you started a new career? Did you start studying a new short course or a qualification?
Did you had moments when you felt that you have could have used your time wisely?
What has Year 2018 taught you?

What are some things that you have learned this year that you are willing to act upon during the new year? and What are some of the major things that this year has taught you?
I must admit this year has taught me so much; I had moments when I felt that I could have used my time wisely, I had many opportunities when I become the best person that I can be and I know that there are certain things that I definitely will act upon during the new year.

In the past; I haven't ever had a boyfriend before, I seemed to be going on variety of "getting to know" dates and fun dates. I haven't ever achieved to go more than two dates with a guy and I'm aware that I had a few crushes in the past. I must admit, it was all learning experience for me when I was in early stages of being a girlfriend at the beginning of this year.

Two days prior to Thanksgiving this year, I learned how to become a fiancèè and it is definitely great for me to know that I am one step closer to be married.

I always have been going to the Temple every week through this year whenever the Temple is open. I had many opportunities when I felt it was the right timing for me to become a Temple Ordiance Worker but I kept mentioning to myself that I would like to engaged first before becoming a Temple Ordiance Worker.

Eventually within a week of being home from being away for three weeks in Texas, I finally got set apart as a Temple Ordiance Worker and the Temple President thought that I was already a Temple Ordiance Worker. I definitely felt that I have made the right choice to become a Temple Ordiance Worker when I did. I felt so much gratitude that I have a calling in the Temple.

Throughout this year, I somehow didn't do too well of certain things such as not reminding myself about my strengths and my weaknesses often, etc. I guess that would be something that I need to work on during the new year.

I hope what I have mentioned have helped you what you have achieved this year.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Did you think to pray?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I liked a church hymn and it is called, "Did you think to pray?" I would like encourage you to think about the following questions, ask yourself and answer the questions either now or in your own time.
"When life is rough, pray. When life is great, pray."
What is your definition of prayer? Have you ever prayed? How often do you pray?
Do you pray with a purpose in mind such as praying for guidance or inspiration?
Do you pray for you to be able to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost?

Do you pray for your non-member friends to soften their hearts to learn about the gospel?
Do you pray for your immediate relatives' for their safety because you're worried about their safety?

I always pray with a purpose. Most times, I pray for sharing gratitude of what I am grateful for, followed by, I expressed how I felt about certain things happening in my life, and then I asked questions if I have any.

I would strongly encourage you to listen to the hymn, "Did You Think to Pray?" either now or in your own time.

Stay tuned until next time.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Do I Care?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

What is your definition of care? Do you care about your immediate relatives?
Do you care about extended relatives? Do you care about friends?

In what ways do you show to your immediate relatives that you do care about them?
In what ways do you show to your extended relatives that you do care about them?
In what ways do you show to your friends that you do care about them?

When was the last time did you express to someone that you do care about them?

I must admit that I may not show to my immediate family members, my extended relatives, my friends, my fellow work colleagues, and others often of how much I do care about them but I do care about them.
I CARE. I will always care.

If you can not see the Image above, it says "I CARE. I will always care."  I encourage you to express to your immediate relatives, your extended relatives, your friends, and other people that you do care about them.

You can say in person that you do care about them in person or you can give them a hug or check up on them such as a visit or calling them, etc.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas Everyone

Today is Christmas Day. I strongly encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

"Do you celebrate Christmas?" "If you do celebrate Christmas, how do you celebrate Christmas?"
"Why do you celebrate Christmas?" "If you do not celebrate Christmas, what do you celebrate instead?"

"Do you celebrate Christmas with your family and extended relatives?"
"Do you celebrate Christmas with your friends?"

"Do you remember the birth of Jesus Christ during Christmas season?"
"Do you think about all the presents that you receive on Christmas Day?"

"What does Christmas truly means to you?" "What does Christmas means to your extended relatives?"

In the world today, there are many people who are celebrating Christmas with their relatives and extended relatives. In the world today, there are some people who are celebrating Christmas alone. there are some people who does not celebrate Christmas.

I know we all can become like Jesus Christ if we choose to follow him. I know when we all choose to become like him, we will feel blessed and I know we will be able to acknowledge ourselves of how much he has done for us. He set continuous great examples. I know we can follow his examples and when we follow his examples, we can share it to others the happiness of the gospel that brings into our daily lives.

It may be hard at times to follow Jesus Christ's examples and that is okay. I know we all can choose to become a light to the world especially to the non-believers. I would like to you to watch the video in your own time.
If you can not see the video above, here's the link to the video below.
Merry Christmas to everyone, safe travels if you are traveling on this Christmas Day. Please remember the true meaning of Christmas during this Christmas season. I hope you will have a great day.

Stay tuned until next time.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Is Life a Journey or is it a Competition?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I would like to encourage to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or your own time.
Do you think life is a Journey or do you think there is a Competition?
If you think life is a journey, why do you think life is a journey?
If you think life is a competition, why do you think life is a competition?

I think life is a journey because I know life has its greatest moments and has its worst moments. I also think life is a journey because there is so many opportunities to be able to learn from my mistakes and listen more to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Life isn't supposed to be easy and it isn't supposed to be difficult either. Each of us needs to be acknowledge that we need to be in control of our own actions, be accountable for each decision that we make, be forgiving whenever something goes wrong, and so much more.

For us to feel happiness and joy; we need to make righteous choices, be happy with our achievements such as what we have achieved today or this evening, and so forth.
Call me crazy .... But I love to see other people happy and succeeding!
Take this life as a learning experience in some things, take this life as a journey and not a competition of comparing who's life is better. We all go through afflictions including unexpected afflictions. We all go through challenges including unexpected challenges, 

We all go through difficulties including unexpected difficulties. We all go through struggles including unexpected struggles. We all go through trials including unexpected trials, 

Stay Tuned until next time.

Friday, December 21, 2018

I will be strong

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. This post is based on a church song and it is called, "I Will" by Hilary Weeks. If you haven't heard the song before, I strongly encourage you to listen to the song either now or in your own time. I would like to share with you the video clip of the song below.
If you can't see the video, here's the link to the video below.

If you have listened to the song, what was your favourite part of the song? My favourite part is shared as an image below.
"I will stand. I will not fall in a world that's weak. I will be strong." 
I think many of us need to strive to be strong more in this life whenever we go through trials, tribulations, hardships, challenges, difficult times, and other times that brings us down. I am aware that at times it is hard to be strong whenever people go through their own  trials, tribulations, hardships, challenges,  difficult times and other times that brings them down. It is normal to go through those type of times in life. 

I strongly encourage you for the next time you are going through a trial or tribulation or a hardship or a challenge or a difficult time or other time that brings you down, to strive your very best to be strong, strive your very best to remember to find comfort, find guidance from Heavenly Father how to feel peace, joy and happiness again, always remember to look up, etc. 

I know it is hard but I know you can get through it all. I also strongly encourage you to take one step at a time/one day at a time. 

Stay Tuned until next time. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Reading Scriptures Daily

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. This post is based on scriptures and I would like to ask you the following questions. You can think about and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

What is your honest purpose while you are reading the scriptures? Do you read the scriptures for direction? Do you read the scriptures for seeking your unanswered questions?
What is your understanding about the scriptures?
What does the scriptures mean to you as an individual?
When was the last time did you studied the scriptures?
How often do you study the scriptures?

I encourage you to read the scriptures for one page or read the scriptures for at least five minutes a day. If you do read the scriptures for one page or read the scriptures for at least five minutes a day, you will feel that you would like to continue reading the scriptures more often and learn how to appreciate the scriptures more in your life.

I also would like encourage you to invite the spirit to be with you before you start reading the scriptures. Whenever you're about to start studying the scriptures, remember to pray and be prepared to learn something new.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Monday, December 17, 2018

My Testimony on Families

I would like to share with you my Testimony based on Families. 

"I have a short testimony on Families. I loved listening to a hymn "Families Can Be Together Forever." I know my Family can be together forever even when we are striving our best to follow the correct teachings, doctrines and principles of the gospel including keeping the commandments, listening to the promptings from the Holy Ghost and so much more.
I know that all families has different routines each day that suits their family's needs best and everyone upbringing is different. I know that all families would have already experienced difficulties from time to time and in the near future, they will continue to experience more difficulties from time to time.

I know that all families would have already experienced happy moments and in the near future, they will continue to experience more happy moments from time to time. I know that all families would have already experienced trials and in the near future, they will continue to experience more trials from time to time.

I know that all families would have already felt peace and in the near future, they will continue to have opportunities to experience to feel more comfort. Most families has a father and a mother in the Home.

I love my family member a lot. My family always means a lot to me. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Stay Tuned until next time.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

My Testimony on The Book of Mormon

I would like to share my Testimony based on The Book of Mormon.

"I have a short testimony on The Book of Mormon. I know The Book of Mormon is the keystone of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints religion. I know The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. 

I know The Book of Mormon is true and correct book. I love reading The Book of Mormon with a purpose. I love reading The Book of Mormon for direction. I love reading The Book of Mormon for guidance. I love reading The Book of Mormon for hope.
If you haven't read The Book of Mormon before, I invite you to read The Book of Mormon. Set a quiet time each day to read The Book of Mormon. When you get the chance to read The Book of Mormon, please read it with a purpose. 

Do not allow the little distractions stop you from reading The Book of Mormon.
Do not allow the big distractions stop you from reading The Book of Mormon. 

Before you start reading The Book of Mormon; pray with any questions that you have or pray with any concerns that you have, etc. The Book of Mormon relates to our everyday lives. The Book of Mormon mentions about Agency, The Tree of Life, and many more. 

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
Stay Tuned until next time.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Beyond Comparison

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. This post is based on a October 2014 General Conference talk and it is called, "Stay in the Boat and Hold On!" by M. Russell Ballard. I would like to share with you some highlights and I hope you will gain a few insights while you are reading this post. 
"If we keep our FOCUS ON THE LORD, we're promised a blessing beyond comparison." - M. Russell Ballard.
He mentioned 2 occasions and mentioned President Young reminded us. One of the occasions that he mentioned was "On another occasion, President Young said that he also worried about people losing their way when they were being blessed when life was good: “It is in calm weather, when the old ship of Zion is sailing with a gentle breeze, [and] when all is quiet on deck, that some of the brethren want to go out in the whaling boats to have a swim, and some get drowned, others drifted away, and others again get back to the ship. Let us stick to the old ship and she will carry us [safely] into the harbor; you need not be concerned."

He asked us "Given the challenges we all face today, how do we stay on the Old Ship Zion?" He explained of how we can.

This is what he mentioned "Here is how. We need to experience a continuing conversion by increasing our faith in Jesus Christ and our faithfulness to His gospel throughout our lives not just once but regularly. Alma asked, “And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren [and sisters], if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?"

In your own time, you can continue reading the talk or watch the video, here's the link below for the talk.

Someone may ask me how does it applies to us; Well it applies to us by remaining to stay strong in the Church, read scriptures, daily personal prayers, attending the Temple often, attending Church activities, fulfilling Church callings  and gaining and building a stronger testimony. It helps you to build your faith more into Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

I strongly encourage you to remember of the quote that I have shared with you this day/evening.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How can I feel perfect peace in life?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. My suggestions for how can I feel perfect peace in life is to go to places where I would feel the promptings from the Holy Ghost such as going to the Temple, always striving my best to speak kind words to everyone around me including my friends, family, etc and reading my scriptures.

I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time. The questions is, "What is your definition of perfect peace?"
and "What do you think you should feel when you feel perfect peace?"

This post is based on a church song and it is called, "Perfect Peace," by Laura Story. In the past years, I have been able to have many opportunities to listen to the song often and I would like to strongly encourage you to listen to the song either now or in your own time.

Below is the video of the song's lyrics and I hope you will be able to listen to the song now. That's okay if you don't listen to the song now.
If you can't see the Video above, here's the link below.

As I was listening to the song, I do have a several favourite parts and I would like to share with you what one part mentions.
"Stay by my side, keep your eyes on me though this life is hard, I will give you PERFECT PEACE in this moment of trail that no one sees trust me when I say I will give you PERFECT PEACE. You will never walk alone, never be in need. I may not calm the storms around you but you can hide in me burdens that you bear offer no relief. Let me bear your load because I will give you PERFECT PEACE. Stay by my side and you will never walk alone, know that I will always give you PERFECT PEACE."

If you did listened to the song, do you think that part that I mentioned would be your favourite part as well? It is okay if it wasn't. I would encourage you to think about that Heavenly Father does gives us perfect peace and we aren't alone. He is always with us. He can give us peace and comfort when we ask for it. It's a good time to ask him when we needed it the most.

I encourage you to rethink about the questions from the start, "What does "perfect peace" means to you now?" "What do you think about the feelings comes with it when you feel peace?"

Stay Tuned until next time. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Ten Ways to Love

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

"What is your definition of love?" and "What would be your ten ways to love someone?"

We may seem to forget some ways of how to love someone and how we truly show it. I would like to share with you, ten ways of how to love someone. I hope some of the ways will either help you to improve how to show it or encourages you to do some ways to help improve your current relationship or your relationship with your friends.
1. LISTEN without interrupting. (Proverbs 18)

2. SPEAK without accusing. (James 1:19)

3. GIVE without sparing. (Proverbs 21:26)

4. PRAY without ceasing. (Colossians 1:19)

5. ANSWER without arguing. (Proverbs 17:1)

6. SHARE without pretending. (Ephesians 4:15)

7. ENJOY without complaint. (Philippians 2:14)

8. TRUST without wavering. (Corinthians 13:7)

9. FORGIVE without punishing. (Colossians 3:13)

10. PROMISE without forgetting. (Proverbs 13:12)

I encourage you to "always remember to listen without interrupting, speak without accusing, give without sparing, pray without ceasing, answer without arguing, share without pretending, enjoy without complaint, trust without wavering, forgive without punishing and promise without forgetting."

Stay tuned until next time.

Friday, December 7, 2018

He'll Carry You

First and foremost, I would like to encourage you to think about what Jesus Christ has done for you. I would like you to remember that Jesus Christ knows how it feels like whenever we are feeling down, he knows how it feels whenever we are feeling alone, he knows how it feels whenever we through heartaches, he knows how it feels whenever we are going through difficult times, he knows how it feels whenever we are going through tough trials and he knows how it feels so much more.

I would like to share with you a song and it is called, "He'll Carry You" by Hilary Weeks. Below is a audio clip from Youtube of the song, and I strongly encourage you to listen to the song either now or in your own time.
If you can't see the video above, here's the link.

What did you think about the song when you were listening to the song? Did you felt the peace and the comfort while listening?
"He'll bring you peace and leave you hope."
"I would like to share my testimony with you all. I know Jesus Christ knows how it feels like to be me whenever I go through trails, struggles, tribulations, heartaches and it's not a nice feeling. I know whenever I ask forgiveness, peace and comfort through prayer; I will be able to feel the instant knowing that I have been forgiven, given peace, given comfort and that's a nice feeling to have. Don't ever forget that Jesus Christ does loves you, he knows you are imperfect and he knows what you are going through.

I know when you pray, you can feel those same or similar feelings. I know he knows you personally, he knows your weaknesses and he knows your strengths, I know when you allow him to be apart of your daily lives, he will be able to be with you every step of the way. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

You can seek out for the Missionaries today. They will be able to help you with anything as long as it's following the mission rules. They might be able to answer any questions that you may have about this life. Take a moment to get to know them. Any questions to search for the answers can be found in the two following links; and

Stay tuned until next time.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Some effective ways to become my friend

This post is short and sweet. I would like you think about and ask, "What are some effective ways to become my friend?"

I would like to let you know; that you need to make sure that you aren't shy around me, you aren't judgmental about the way that I look, you feel confident to message me at anytime whenever you need someone to talk to, you feel confident that you can trust me, you feel confident that you can share memories with me, and so forth. I must admit, I don't like losing friends. 

In the past; I tend to lose friendships time to time and it doesn't bother me. I keep moving forward. In the past, I had some difficult time to making new friends because I was either too shy or I don't speak up too often in other words, I was being quiet. 

In the past, I had some great times to making new friends because I always shared a strong testimony about the gospel or shared some experiences that relates to the knowledge what I was learning past institute classes. 

I have some friends who are older than me, I have some friends who are younger than me and I have some friends who are the same age as me.

I always strived my best to show that I do cherished my true friends by trying to talk to them often.

If you are my friend who lives near me, we would make the effort to spend some time together.
If you are my friend, you would worry if something goes wrong for me and make sure I am okay.
If you are my friend, you would be someone who can talks to me when I need someone to talk to.
If you are my friend, I know that you would tell me not to give up whenever I am about to quit.
If you are my friend, I know that you would be happy and proud for my achievements.

If you are my friend, you would know that I would worry when something goes wrong for you and make sure you are okay, you would know that be someone who talks to you when you need someone to talk to, you would know I will tell you to not give up whenever you are about to quit, you know I would be someone who will be happy and proud of your achievements.

I hope this post gives you a huge insight about what I am looking for in a friend.
I do apologise if anything that I mentioned seemed to be rude to you.

Stay Tuned until next time.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Ways to be yourself

This post is short and sweet. I encourage you to be yourself and not pretending to be someone else. Otherwise it would be heartbreaking when someone finds out the real you after you pretended to be someone else for awhile.
"Be Yourself. Accept Yourself. Value Yourself. Forgive Yourself. Bless Yourself. Express Yourself. Trust Yourself. Love Yourself. Empower Yourself."
Be honest of you truly are and don't be afraid of telling others who you are because people would like to get to know you. Also people would like to be able to build trust with you as the friendship grows, as grows for the length of time of being friends with. I strongly encourage you to think about what the Image says.

If you aren't doing some of them, I encourage you to try your best to act upon it. It can take time, effort and other trusting a lot to yourself that you can do it. Don't allow others to stop you of being yourself. It is good to be yourself!
Stay Tuned until next time.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Some Mission Preparation Ideas

I didn't know what to post today. I could only think about some mission preparatation ideas.

The mission isn't for everyone. If you have a desire to serve a mission, I strongly encourage you to pray with real intent and fast to know if the mission is for you or not. If you got a confirmation with an answer saying "Yes," I encourage you to go ahead and serve a mission.

If you received an answer saying "No," I encourage you to don't feel discouraged and look for other ways to serve the Lord. Giving up 18 months or 2 years or whatever how long of serving the Lord does take a lot of dedication and hard working. Missions are tough and missions aren't easy.

If you are preparing for your mission, I encourage you to go ahead and read a list that I have provided below. The list is a list of the mission preparations that I have done before I went on my mission. I know it will help me to become an effective missionary and I know it will help you too.

" - Fulfilling your Church calling/s; Fulfilling your church calling/s is a great way of service before your mission. 

- Build a habit of daily scripture study; it will help you heaps because you will be reading your scriptures daily during your mission and it will help you build a stronger testimony of the scriptures. 

- Become familiar with Preach My Gospel; it will help you heaps and it will help you to prepare and teach lessons. 

- Attending some sessions at the Temple; Attending the Temple will help you to receive personal revelations for yourself, you will gain a stronger testimony of Temples, you will come to love the Temple more if you attend the Temple often, you will gain a stronger understanding of the importance of Temples. 

I encourage you to take the opportunity to go to the Temple often before your mission because you won't be able to go to the Temple often during your mission. 
Go out with your ward missionaries if you have missionaries serving in your ward; going out with them are the best way of experiencing what it is like to be a Missionary. Sometimes they will take you with them to go tracking or help them to teach lessons for the Investigators or doing rescue visits for the less actives/inactives. 

Listening to some past General Conference talks; you will receive some inspiration answers to your new questions, you will be able to learn new things and you will gain a stronger testimony in General Conference.

Attending Institute; you will be able to learn new things while attending Institute often, it will help you to build a stronger testimony of Institute and if you accomplish the requirements for Institute, you will be able to receive a certificate of Achievement or Diploma for Institute.

Attending Mission Prep Class; it will help you heaps. Most classes provide a lesson and do role plays (the teacher gives you a situation and what the lesson's topic is on)."

There are other mission preparations that I could think of but I thought it would be best for you to figure out what those other mission preparations are."

I hope the list will you and I hope you can use it as a guide. If you aren't preparating for your mission, I encourage you to continue fulfilling your church calling/s, go to the Temple often if you are Temple worthy, build a habit of scripture study daily and listen to some past General Conference talks.

Stay Tuned until next time.