First and foremost, this post should take roughly eight minutes to ten minutes to read. I know that there will be many people around the world in this life to ask many what if type of questions. I know that I ask myself those type of questions time to time and sometimes I hear some people asking those type of questions out loud.
For an example; "What if I did something sooner that would have changed my future decisions for the better?"
I recently thought about what type of what if questions that people may ask. I think it would be best for you to try to ask yourself and find the answers to the following questions in your own time.
What if I chose not to follow Heavenly Father's Plan/The Plan of Salvation?
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to face difficulties throughout our lives. In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to face unexpected trials throughout our lives.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to face challenges throughout our lives. In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to put our faith and trust in Heavenly Father.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to forgive one another like Jesus Christ would. In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need love another like Jesus Christ did.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need experience pain.
For an example; "What if I did something sooner that would have changed my future decisions for the better?"
I recently thought about what type of what if questions that people may ask. I think it would be best for you to try to ask yourself and find the answers to the following questions in your own time.
What if I chose not to act upon the personal revelations that I receive for myself throughout this life?
What if the only way to get through this life is learning life lessons in a difficult way?
What if the only way to get through this life is learning life lessons in a difficult way?
What if I chose not to put my faith and trust in Heavenly Father throughout this life?
What if I chose not to follow Heavenly Father's Plan/The Plan of Salvation?
What if I chose not to be baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
What if I chose to be baptized but not following the gospel teachings in the correct order?
What if I chose to make other unrighteous decisions throughout this life?
What if I was able to experience pain-free throughout this life?
What if I was able to face no challenges throughout this life?
What if I was able to face no difficulties throughout this life?
What if I was able to face no tribulations throughout this life?
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to accept who are going to become.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to accept who we were in the past.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to accept who we are right now.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we were all given Agency since birth. In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to face tribulations throughout our lives.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to face difficulties throughout our lives. In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to face unexpected trials throughout our lives.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to face challenges throughout our lives. In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to put our faith and trust in Heavenly Father.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need to forgive one another like Jesus Christ would. In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need love another like Jesus Christ did.
In order for all of us to progress in this life, we all need experience pain.
I always try my best to act upon all personal revelations that I receive for myself straight away throughout my life. I will always choose to put my faith and trust in Heavenly Father constantly throughout my life.
I will always choose to follow Heavenly Father's Plan/The Plan of Salvation throughout my life.
Sometimes, I do choose to learn a few lessons in a difficult way throughout my life.
I chose to be baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I chose to strive my best to follow gospel teachings in the correct order.
I will always choose to accept who I am going to become. I chooe to accept who I was in the past.
I chose to accept who I am right now. I choose to face tribulations throughout my life.
I chose to face difficulties throughout my life.
I choose to experience pain throughout my life. I choose to face unexpected trials throughout my life.
I choose to face challenges throughout my life, I choose to forgive others like Jesus Christ would.
I choose to love others like Jesus Christ did and so forth.
What are some of your What if questions?
That is all from me for now, I should be posting again sometime tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone.
What are some of your What if questions?
That is all from me for now, I should be posting again sometime tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone.