Saturday, September 29, 2018

How to overcome our mistakes?

First and foremost, I am not an expert of answering a question to "How to overcome our mistakes?"

If you were to ask me that question, I would have answered seeking forgiveness through prayer, encouraging myself to make better choices and do my very best to not do the same mistake again. 

This post is based on Liahona's article from July 1981's issue and it is called, "Overcoming Our Mistakes by Lowell L. Bennion."
"It is not possible to make real change all by ourselves." - Julie B. Beck.
It is so true and we always need to ask Heavenly Father for assistance, guidance, help and support to make real change happen. We also always need to act upon the real change and continue make a habit of changing.

I will share with you some highlights that I loved during reading the article. 

"The second suggestion I have is that we ought to realize that no matter what we’ve done in life, no matter what we do, God and Christ still love us just as much as they did before we failed. God and Christ do not separate themselves from the sinner, from the wrongdoer.

I remember a missionary who had just recently returned from the mission field who came into the Institute of Religion when I was there. He had committed a grave mistake that caused him to think that his life was ruined forever. And I said to him, “God loves you just as much today as he did last Thursday,” and he couldn’t believe it. The thought had never occurred to him.

He wept like a child. You know, sometimes we think that God loves us to the extent that we please him, to the extent that we’re good boys and girls, good men and women. Love from God is not earned. It is not merited; if it is, it is justice and reciprocity and reward. Love comes from a loving heart, and God’s love is unconditional.

And he loves the worst of us and the best of us equally, I believe. We cause him to suffer when we do wrong, when he sees us live our lives in ways that destroy us, and when he sees us hurting other people this must cause him pain.

Therefore, the reason we have to repent is to be able to forgive ourselves and to be able to get in harmony again with the principles and laws of good living. We don’t have to repent to earn God’s love, even though some scriptures portray him as being very angry with the sinner. Others portray him as angry with sin, not with the sinner.

Another way to overcome the past is to make amends. We know when we’ve done wrong, but sometimes we’re afraid to go to those whom we’ve wronged. We are too proud to admit our failures. But when we have the courage to do it, we find that a great reconciliation takes place.

It’s the offended person’s responsibility to react to our efforts to be reconciled. And when we can’t compensate a person for a wrong, when it’s too late or impossible, then we can bless other people. We all belong together in this world. We’re brothers and sisters with the same Eternal Father; we belong to the same human community. There are others we can bless, though we can’t repair the damage we may have done to some of his children."

In your own time, you can read the whole talk, Here's the link below, and I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Always try to find time and talk to whoever is making the mistake. Tell them how you feel, be honest and don't be afraid to share with him or her or them this article. It takes a lot of progress of repenting if the mistake doesn't get dealt straight away.

That is all from me for now, and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

How to count your blessings?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. This post may take up to five minutes to read. I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

"What is your definition of blessings?" "How do you count your blessings?"
"Do you count more problems than your blessings?" and
"Do you count more blessings than your problems?"

Sometimes in life, we all experience difficult times and we may ask ourselves the following question. "How can I count my blessings whenever I go through difficult times?"

Sometimes in life, we all experience solving problems and we may ask ourselves the following question. "How can I count my blessings whenever I am solving problems in my life?"

Sometimes in life, we all experience feeling heartache for a friend or a loved one who passed away and we may ask ourselves the following question. "How can I apply the teachings that I have learned from that person in my life?"

Sometimes in life, we all experience feeling true happiness for our successes and we may ask ourselves the following question. "Am I really proud of my successes in life or am I being prideful towards my successes in life?"

We all receive blessings and we all have problems to experience in this life.
Count your blessings, NOT your problems.
Sometimes when we are caught up and too focused on the worldly things, we might find it difficult hard to count the blessings that we have received in this life so far. Sometimes when we are caught up and too focused on the worldly things, we may not consider and see some things as blessings in our lives.

Sometimes when we are caught up and too focused on the worldly things, we might lose the spirit and ignore the promptings. Sometimes when we are caught up and too focused on the worldly things,  we might turn away from the Church if we aren't being careful.

We all need to be strong whenever we are going through difficulties. We all need to be strong whenever we are going through afflictions. We all need to be strong whenever we are going through tribulations.

We all need to be strong whenever we are going through sicknesses.  We all need to be strong whenever we are going through challenges. We all need to be strong whenever we are going through struggles.

We all need to be strong whenever we are going through trials. We all need to be strong whenever we are going through pain and so forth. You should get the idea by now.

Many times, blessings will arrive when we are at the right place at the right time.

That is all from me for now, and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone.

Friday, September 28, 2018

How to not worry about tomorrow?

First and foremost, I am not an expert of knowing how to not worry about tomorrow. This post is short and sweet. This post may take up to five minutes to read. I would strongly encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions either now or in your own time.

"What is your definition of worry?"
"Do you ever worry about what tomorrow has in store for you?"
"Do you ever worry about the choices that you are going to make for tomorrow?"
"Do you ever worry about the feelings that you are going to feel tomorrow?"

I would like to tell you, I do worry about what tomorrow has in store for me to achieve, I do worry about all the choices that I am going to make for tomorrow, I do worry about how I am going to feel tomorrow and so forth.

I may not be an expert of knowing how to not worry about tomorrow, but I would like to share with you my suggestions about how to not worry about tomorrow. 

We need to have confidence in ourselves that each of us should feel appropriate feelings for tomorrow, we need to have confidence in ourselves that each of us should react to certain things properly for tomorrow.

We need to have confidence that each of us are going to be successful of the things that we are going to achieve for tomorrow, we need to have confidence in ourselves to acknowledge tomorrow is another day for another chance to become better person than we were this current day. 

We need to have confidence in ourselves to acknowledge tomorrow is another day for another chance to serve others, we need to have confidence in ourselves to acknowledge tomorrow is another day for another chance to become a hard worker if you are not already, and so forth. 

You should get the idea by now. Please stop worrying about tomorrow. Focus on building confidence in yourselves and acknowledge tomorrow is another day. 
Do not worry about tomorrow.
I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about if their choices might impact someone else's life for tomorrow, I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about some unexpected things are going to happen for tomorrow.  

I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about how would they feel if something changed their life for the better sometime tomorrow, I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about their plans and backup plans for tomorrow.

I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about studying for an exam and hoping to pass/get great grades for tomorrow, I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about they think they have failed and there was no chance for them to try again. 

I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about losing a job and do not know if they would like to be employed for another job or not.

I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about they are alone and they do not have anyone who they can turn to.

I think many people around the world worry too much or overthink about giving up easily and do not know how to stay strong.

Again, stop worrying about tomorrow and focus on what matters the most today.

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

How are we coming, keeping, and working together?

First and foremost this post is short and sweet. This post may take up to five minutes to read. I would like to encourage you to answer the following questions honestly and if you have anyone who you are very close to, I would like encourage you to ask him or her the following questions as well in your own time.

"What is your definition of coming together?" "Is coming together is a beginning?"
"What is your definition of keeping together?" Is keeping together is a progress?"
"What is your definition of working together?" "Is working together is a success?"
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together
is success." - Henry Ford.
Has your thoughts changed of the meaning to "Coming together," to a better perspective?
Has your thoughts changed of the meaning to "Keeping together," to a better perspective?
Has your thoughts changed of the meaning to "Working together," to a better perspective?

"Coming Together" can be like saying "You are getting to know your partner better, you and your partner are becoming a couple."

"Keeping Together" can be like saying "You and your partner are keeping each other, keeping each other's company. Keep holding onto memories. You and your partner are staying in contact constantly."

"Working Together" can be like saying "You and your partner are engaged, and you both are always trying very best to work out plans together such as for a future wedding or having a future together. You and your partner are married, and you both always trying very best to
make sure the marriage will last for a long time.."

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Faith, Faithful and Faithfulness

First and foremost, I would like you to know that this post is short and sweet. This post may take up to five minutes to read. I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following six questions in your own time.

1. "What is your definition of faith?" 2. "What is your definition of faithful?"
3. "What is your definition of faithfulness?"

4. "How do you apply faith into your everyday life?" 5. "Are you faithful towards your belief?"
and 6. "What is your definition of faithfulness?"

I would like to encourage you to remember your answers from the questions above and if you feel inspired, you can write down those questions and answers in your journal. One day, you may feel lack of faith and you are always welcome to look back at that page. 
"Everyone would like to have stronger faith. By themselves, the scriptures
may not strengthen your faith, but being faithful to what they teach, does.
In other words, faith cannot be separated from faithfulness." - John Bytheway.
Can you think of any recent experiences when you have used faith?
Can you think of any recent experiences when you have shown your faithful to your belief?

If you can not think of anything, that is okay. You can always ask a friend or a relative if he or she has any recent experiences when he or she have used faith and when he or she have shown that they are faithful.

If I was able to share with you an example about my understanding of faith, it would be the following. I always can feel the wind but I can not see it and I know that it always exist.

If I was able to share with you an example about my understanding of faithful, it would be the following. I love being faithful in the Church by standing up to what I believe in to my non-member friends and I'm not ashamed to share anything about the Church to my non-member friends. 

That is all from me for now and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship?

First and foremost; I am not an expert of how to maintain a healthy relationship. Am I suppose to? I have been dating for the past eight months and a bit. Do you have any suggestions about how to maintain a healthy relationship?

This post may take up to ten minutes to read. Healthy relationship should not always be about the fancy dates at expensive restaurants or travel to expensive locations together. However .. I would like to share with you about my suggestions of how to maintain a healthy relationship.

Healthy relationship always consist of showing each other respect, trusting each other, supporting each other's decisions, caring for each other, being honest to each other, loving each other, missing each other, having patience for each other, and so forth. I hope you do get the idea.
"Good relationships don't just happen. They take time, patience, and
two people who truly want to be together."

I would like to encourage you to think about and answer the following questions either right now or in your own time.

"Are you currently in a relationship?" "How did you first met current your partner?"
"Did you have multiple relationships prior to meeting your current partner?"
"Were you in a relationship prior to meeting your current partner?"

"What were some things that you learned while you were dating other people prior to meeting your current partner?" "What are some things that you have learned about each other so far?"

"Are you and your partner is in a long distance relationship?"
"How long have you and your partner have been dating for?"

I did not thought that I would ever have a long distance relationship. I might have imagine what a long distance relationship would feel like during my teens while I was waiting for a friend to come home from his mission for two years. Anyway .. I have been in a long distance relationship for eight months and I have been doing my very best to do every part that I can do to make sure that my relationship last.

I learned so much while I have been dating for the past eight months. I would like to share with you some major categories that I have learned.

I learned to really get to know each other including hobbies and interests, I learned about how to care for each other, I learned about how to always be there for each other including to be a phone call away, I learned about to be patient continually including the time frame to wait in between flying to visit each other and waiting for each other to become available to talk to each other, I learned about loving each other and so much more.

If you are currently in a relationship, I know that you would have already learned so much during your relationship thus far and you will continue to learn so much as the relationship continues.

That is all from me for now, and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Choice is Yours

First and foremost, I would like you to know that this post may take up to five minutes or longer to read. I would like to encourage you to ask yourself the following questions in your own time. "Do you know what is the definition of agency?" "What is your definition of agency?"
"Did you know that you have agency?" and "Did you know everyone else have agency?"

Agency definition is the ability and privilege God gives us to choose and to act for ourselves. Whether you like it or not, we all have agency. We all had agency since we were born.

This post is based on a Ensign Article in March 2007 and it is called, "Prophet, Church Leaders Counsel Youth at Fireside by Stephanie Long."
"You can be wise and happy or stupid and miserable. The choice is yours." - Gordon B. Hinckley.
Gordon B. Hinckley says Be smart. “You need all the education you can get. You should sacrifice anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world. Train your mind and your hands to become an influence for good as you go forward with your life.”

Be Prayerful. “None of us can do it alone. Prayer will change your life. It will bring you peace. It will give you direction and guidance. It will help you feel that you are not alone in this big and sometimes brutal world. The Lord answers our prayers. I know that.”

Sister Tanner said that virtuous thought would invite the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and one could find confidence and comfort in such a companionship. Sharing a personal story, she spoke of a time when she was struggling with despair, yet found comfort in thinking positive thoughts.

“I concentrated on three things: Finals will be over in three weeks. I know my family loves me. And I know Heavenly Father loves me. These thoughts elevated me enough to feel the comfort and guidance of the Holy Ghost through a difficult time.”

Everyone struggles with hard times, everyone needs to be rescued from time to time, but everyone has a loving Heavenly Father who is always there, Sister Tanner said. Personally living by the motto “I can do hard things,” Sister Tanner encouraged all the youth to resolve to let virtue garnish their thoughts unceasingly, that their confidence may wax strong in the presence of God."

In your own time, you can read the whole talk. Here is the link below,

Did this post made you changed your perspective or definition of agency?

That is all from me for now. I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

How to have a sure foundation?

First and foremost, this post may take up to ten minutes to read.

This post is based on a October 2003 General Conference talk and it is called, "A Sure Foundation" by Sheldon F. Child. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk and I hope you will learn something new while you are reading this post.

Brother Child mentioned, "In the Book of Mormon the prophet Jacob, in his encounter with Sherem the anti-Christ, asked this question: “Deniest thou the Christ who shall come? And he said: If there should be a Christ, I would not deny him; but I know that there is no Christ,
neither has been, nor ever will be.

“And I said unto him: Believest thou the scriptures? And he said, Yea. “And I said unto him: Then ye do not understand them; for they truly testify of Christ. Behold, I say unto you that none of the prophets have written, nor prophesied, save they have spoken concerning this Christ. “And this is not all … ; it also has been made manifest unto me by the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Jacob points out three sources of truth the scriptures, the prophets, and the Holy Ghost that testify of Christ. They will help us build “upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God.”

1. The Scriptures: The Savior Himself said, “Search the scriptures; ... they are they which testify of me.” When the Lord directed Lehi to take his family and flee into the wilderness, He knew they would need a strong foundation upon which to build in the new land.

So important were the scriptures that, in order to obtain the records, the voice of the Spirit directed Nephi to slay Laban, saying, “It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief.”

Without scriptures, not only nations perish, but families and individuals dwindle in unbelief. Daily scripture study helps us to anchor our faith in Christ. They truly testify of Him.

2. The Prophets: Our message to the world is the same: “We do have prophets on the earth today.” Brothers and sisters, if God loves us enough to send us prophets, then we need to love Him enough to follow them. Following the prophets will help protect us against the storms of life and lead us to Christ.
"Remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our redeemer, who is Christ, the song of God,
that ye must build your foundation." - Helaman 5:12.
3. The Holy Ghost: When Christ met with His Apostles in the upper room prior to His Crucifixion, He said: “If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.”

When hands are laid upon our heads following baptism, we are confirmed members of His Church and then given the gift of the Holy Ghost. If we live righteously and remain worthy, we are promised His constant companionship; He will guide our lives, teach us truths, and testify to us that Jesus is the Christ. As covenant members of the Lord’s Church, we promise to serve Him and keep His commandments “that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon [us].”

Brothers and sisters, the scriptures, the living prophets, and the Holy Ghost all testify of Christ. They will help us build on “a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.”

I encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time and here is the link.

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Let's Not Take the Wrong Way

I encourage you to think about one question and that question is "what does let's not take the wrong way means to you?" This post is based on a April 2014 General Conference talk and it is called "Let’s Not Take the Wrong Way" by Elder Claudio D. Zivic.

I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk. Elder Zivic mentioned, "There are some mistakes that may be serious, and if we do not correct them in time, they can permanently lead us off the right path. If we repent and accept correction, these experiences will allow us to humble ourselves, change our actions, and once again draw closer to our Heavenly Father.

I want to give an example of this concept by making reference to one of the most dramatic moments that the Prophet Joseph Smith experienced. Through this experience, the Savior has given us invaluable teachings regarding principles that we ought to keep in mind throughout our lives. It happened when Martin Harris lost the 116 translated pages of the first part of the Book of Mormon.

After repenting for not following God’s counsel, the Prophet received the revelation that is found in section 3 of the Doctrine and Covenants. From what is written in verses 1 to 10, I wish to highlight three principles that we should always remember:

1. The works and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated.
2. We must not fear man more than God.
3. There is a need of constant repentance.

In verse 13, the Lord teaches us four actions that we should never do:

1. Set at naught the counsels of God.
2. Break the most sacred promises made before God.
3. Depend upon our own judgment.
4. Boast in our own wisdom.
If any one of you reaches the point of abandoning the Lord’s way at any point along that way with great remorse you will feel the bitterness of having set at naught the counsels of God, of having broken the most sacred promises made before God, of having trusted in your own judgment, or of having boasted in your own wisdom.

If this is the case, I exhort you to repent and come back to the right way.

During childhood and youth, people think they will never become old; the idea of death never takes root that is for very, very old people and reaching that point is still an eternity away. As time goes on, months and seasons go by until the wrinkles begin to appear, energy is reduced, the need for doctor visits becomes more frequent, and so on.

The day will come in which we shall again meet up with our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ. I plead that on that sacred and sublime occasion we can recognize Him because of the knowledge we have of Him and because of having followed His teachings. He will show us the marks in His hands and feet, and we will join together in a lasting embrace, weeping for joy at having followed His way."

I encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time and here is the link to the talk below.

That is all from me for now, and I should be posting again some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

What does Repentance means to you?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following questions in your own time. The questions is, "What is your definition of repentance?" and "did you know that repentance is a process?"

If you were to ask me what is my definition of repentance and I would say, "Repentance is for forgiving others." If you were to ask me, I would have answered that repentance is a process because sometimes repentance can take up to a minute or sometimes repentance takes awhile.
Repentance is a process and not something that happens one particular moment. It requires consistency." 
I know that sometimes forgiving others can be easy. I know that sometimes forgiving others can be difficult. I know that sometimes forgiving others can be a bit of both, easy and difficult.

In your own time, I encourage you to think about and answer the following questions:
What does Repentance means to one of your family members?
What does Repentance means to one of your friends?
What does Repentance means to you?

It is alright if you do not have the answers for the first question and second question. I encourage you to write a list of the things that you would like to improve in and how would you get there. List those things as from 1st priority/urgent first and then list the rest. I hope it will help to see that you have improvements to do. I hope you will do something about those improvements, even if it is just little steps at time.

That is all from me for now, and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Privilege of PRAYER

First and foremost, this post would take up to eight minutes to read.

This post is based on a October 2011 General Conference and it is called, "The Privilege of Prayer" by J Devan. Cornish. I would like to share with you some highlights that I loved when I was reading the talk. I hope you will learn something new.

"In His mercy, the God of heaven, the Creator and Ruler of all things everywhere, had heard a prayer about a very minor thing. One might well ask why He would concern Himself with something so small. I am led to believe that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that the things that are important to us become important to Him, just because He loves us. 

We must not imagine that any kind of prayer, no matter how sincere, will be very effective if all we do is to say the prayer. We must not only say our prayers; we must also live them. The Lord is much more pleased with the person who prays and then goes to work than with the person who only prays. Much like medicine, prayer works only when we use it as directed.

When I say that prayer is a sweet privilege, it is not just because I am grateful to be able to talk to Heavenly Father and to feel His Spirit when I pray. It is also because He actually answers and speaks to us. Of course, the way He speaks to us is usually not with a voice we hear. President Boyd K. Packer explained: “That sweet, quiet voice of inspiration comes more as a feeling than it does as a sound. Pure intelligence can be spoken into the mind. This guidance comes as thoughts, as feelings through promptings and impressions” (“Prayer and Promptings,” Ensign, Nov. 2009).
Prayer is one of the most precious gifts of God to man.
Sometimes we seem to get no answer to our sincere and striving prayers. It takes faith to remember that the Lord answers in His time and in His way so as to best bless us. Or, on further reflection, we will often realize that we already know full well what we should do.

Please do not be discouraged if this does not work for you all at once. Like learning a foreign language, it takes practice and effort. Please know, though, that you can learn the language of the Spirit, and when you do, it will give you great faith and power in righteousness.

I cherish the counsel of our beloved prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, who said: “To those within the sound of my voice who are struggling with challenges and difficulties large and small, prayer is the provider of spiritual strength; it is the passport to peace. Prayer is the means by which we approach our Father in Heaven, who loves us. Speak to Him in prayer and then listen for the answer. Miracles are wrought through prayer” (“Be Your Best Self,” Ensign, May 2009).

In your own time, you can read the whole talk, Here is the link below, and I hope you will enjoy reading it.

That is all from me for now and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Be Yourself

First and foremost, I would like to let you know that this post is short and sweet. I would also like to let you know that this post would take up to five minutes to read.

I know that you need to be yourself. I know in the past, I had days when I did not want to accept myself for who I am and refuse to forgive myself for the mistakes that I have made. I have learned to true myself and love myself.

You do not the truly yourself until you be yourself. Do not try to be someone else.
"Be Yourself. Accept Yourself. Value Yourself. Forgive Yourself. Bless Yourself. Express Yourself. Trust Yourself. Love Yourself. Empower Yourself."
I know that some people would like to be friends with you because they do trust you and you would not feel lonely at times.

If you are not being yourself already, I would like encourage you to start being you. If you are not  accepting yourself for who you are already, I would like to encourage you to start accepting yourself.

If you are not valuing yourself already, I would like to encourage you to start valuing yourself. You are priceless. If you are not forgiving yourself for the mistakes that you have made, I would like to encourage you to start forgiving yourself. You would feel happier.

If you are not blessing yourself already, I would like to encourage you to start blessing yourself. .. and so on.

I know it would take time to be yourself, it would take time to accept for who you are, it would take time to value yourself, it would take time to forgive yourself, it would take time to bless yourself and so on. You need to be patient with yourself. 

Do not allow others to stop you of being yourself. It is good to be yourself. That is all from me for now and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I Know

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I would like to share with you the things that I know. This post may get you to think about the things that you know.

I know my life has been through a lot. I experienced a lot of up's and down's. That is normal to experience. I know there has been some happy times when I felt true happiness and I could not stop myself from being very happy.

I know there has been times when I remain strong especially during times when I experienced difficulties. I know there has been times when I learnt from my mistakes.

I know there been times when I felt very proud and a bit prideful about my achievements that I have accomplished. I know there has been times when I learnt from my mistakes and I know there has been many times when I have been given another chances.

I know there has been times when I would like to go back in the past and change my decisions but I also know that I can not change the past, I learned to make better decisions on this present day. I know there has been times when I forgave my past and I know there has been times when I lose some friendships that used to mean a lot to me.
I know there has been times when I showed great influences to some of my non-member friends. I know there has been times when I helped some of my church friends who was struggling and I know there has been times when I inspired some of my friends.

I know there has been some sad times when it was time to say the final goodbyes. I know there has been times when I fell short and I know there has been challenging times when it tests my faith and trust in Heavenly Father.

I know there has been down times when people judged me. I know there has been times when I had to get out of my comfort zones and I know there has been times when people has teased me because of the way that I walked.

I know there has been some hard times when it has been hard to move forward with faith and confidence. That is all from me for now and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

What can the ATONEMENT make up for?

First and foremost, this post is based on April 2014 General Conference talk and it is called, "Your Four Minutes" by Bishop Gary E. Stevenson. I would love to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk. I hope you will learn something new.

Bishop Stevenson mentioned,

"You are an eternal being. Before you were born, you existed as a spirit. In the presence of a loving Heavenly Father, you trained and prepared to come to earth for a brief moment and, well, perform. This life is your four minutes. While you are here, your actions will determine whether you win the prize of eternal life.

The prophet Amulek described, “This life is the time to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day to perform your labors.” In a sense, your four minutes have already begun. The clock is ticking. The words of the Apostle Paul seem so fitting: to run the race, that you may obtain the prize.

My young friends, wherever you are in your “four-minute performance,” I urge you to ponder, “What do I need to do next to ensure my medal?” Perhaps during this conference, the Spirit has whispered to you what that may be: to prepare more thoughtfully for an ordinance in your future or to receive an ordinance that you should have received a long time ago.

Whatever it may be, do it now. Don’t wait. Your four minutes will pass quickly, and you’ll have eternity to think about what you did in this life.

Self-discipline is needed. Daily prayer, scripture study, and church attendance must be the foundation of your training. A consistent pattern of obeying the commandments, keeping the covenants you have made, and following the Lord’s standard found in For the Strength of Youth is required.
It is not yet too late to repent. But it soon may be, because no one really knows when your four minutes will be over.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “I already blew it. My four minutes are already a disaster. I may as well give up.” If so, stop thinking that, and never think it again. The miracle of the Atonement can make up for imperfections in our performance. As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland has taught:

“To those of you who may still be hanging back, I testify of the renewing power of God’s love and the miracle of His grace. “It is never too late so long as the Master says there is time. Don’t delay.”

Remember, you are not alone. The Savior has promised that He will not leave you comfortless. You also have family, friends, and leaders who are cheering you on.

With that in mind, is there someone who needs your encouragement? a family member? a friend? a classmate or fellow quorum member? How can you help them with their four minutes?

Dear friends, you are in the midst of an exhilarating journey. In some ways, you are racing down the half-pipe or sled track, and it can be challenging to perform each element or navigate each turn along the way. But remember, you’ve prepared for this for millennial. This is your moment to perform. This is your four minutes! The time is now!

I express my utmost confidence in your abilities. You have the Savior of the world on your side. If you seek His help and follow His directions, how can you fail?"

I encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time. Here is the link to the talk.

That is all from me for now and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

To Learn, to Do, to Be

First and foremost, this post may take up to eight minutes to read. This post is based on an October 2008 General Conference talk from Priesthood Session called "To Learn, to Do, to Be" by President Thomas S. Monson. I would like to share with you some highlights
while I was reading the talk and I hope you will learn something new.

President Monson mentions, "First, learn what we should learn. Second, do what we should do. And third, be what we should be.

First, learn what we should learn. The Apostle Paul placed an urgency on our efforts to learn. He said to the Philippians, “One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” And to the Hebrews he urged, “Lay aside … sin[;] … let us run with patience the race … set before us, looking [for an example] unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

President Harold B. Lee, 11th President of the Church and one of the great teachers in the Church, put his counsel in easy-to-understand terms. Said he: “When one becomes a holder of the priesthood, he becomes an agent of the Lord. He should think of his calling as though he were on the Lord’s errand.

President Stephen L Richards, who served for many years in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and then in the First Presidency, spoke often to holders of the priesthood and emphasized his philosophy pertaining to it. He declared: “The Priesthood is usually simply defined as ‘the power of God delegated to man.’ This definition, I think, is accurate.”

He continued: “But for practical purposes I like to define the Priesthood in terms of service and I frequently call it ‘the perfect plan of service.’ I do so because it seems to me that it is only through the utilization of the divine power conferred on men that they may ever hope to realize the full import and vitality of this endowment. It is an instrument of service … and the man who fails to use it is apt to lose it, for we are plainly told by revelation that he who neglects it ‘shall not be counted worthy to stand.’”

The purpose of temples was taught. Covenants and promises became much more than words. The desire to be worthy to enter those temple doors entered those youthful hearts. Heaven was very close. Learning what we should learn was assured.
Number two, do what we should do. In a revelation on priesthood, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, recorded as the 107th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, “learning” moves to “doing” as we read, “Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed, in all diligence.”

Third, be what we should be. Paul counseled his beloved friend and associate Timothy, “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”

I would urge all of us to pray concerning our assignments and to seek divine help, that we might be successful in accomplishing that which we are called to do. Someone has said that “the recognition of power higher than man himself does not in any sense debase him.” He must seek, believe in, pray, and hope that he will find. No such sincere, prayerful effort will go unanswered: that is the very constitution of the philosophy of faith. Divine favor will attend those who humbly seek it.

Brethren, may we learn what we should learn, do what we should do, and be what we should be. By so doing, the blessings of heaven will attend. We will know that we are not alone. He who notes the sparrow’s fall will, in His own way, acknowledge us."

I encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time and here's the link below.

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

May WE CHOOSE the light of the Savior?

First and foremost, this post would take up to three minutes to read. This post is based on a October 2015 General Conference talk and it is called, "Choose the Light" by Elder Vern P. Stanfill. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk. I hope you will learn something new.

Elder Stanfill mentions,

"We may feel confident that we are ready to face these challenges only to find that our preparations have been insufficient” he said. “Apostolic voices urge us to prepare ourselves with the powerful light of spiritual strength.”
First, no matter how intense the darkness of doubt, “we choose how long and to what extent we allow it to influence us. “We must remember how much our Heavenly Father and His Son love us. They will neither abandon us, nor will They allow us to be overcome if we seek Their help,

Second, we must trust in the Lord in order to develop spiritual strength within ourselves,
Latter-day Saints cannot rely upon the light of others forever, he said. “We must act, expecting that the Lord will fulfill His promise to lift us from the darkness if we draw near unto Him. The adversary, however, will try to convince us that we have never felt the influence of the Spirit and that it will be easier just to stop trying.”

Third, there is no darkness so dense, so menacing, or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by light, 

“We have not been left alone to be influenced by every whim and change in the world’s attitude, but we have the power to choose belief over doubt. In order to access the promised compensatory spiritual power, we must choose to heed prophetic counsel, recognize and act upon spiritual promptings, be obedient to God’s commandments, and seek personal revelation. We must choose. May we choose the light of the Savior.”

I encourage you to read the talk in your own time. Here is the link below,

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Do you believe in God's miracles?

First and foremost, this post would take roughly five minutes to ten minutes to read. I would like to encourage you to ask and answer the following two questions in your own time. The questions is, "What type of miracles have you witnessed in your life so far?" and "do you believe in God's miracles?"

This post is based on an April 2001 General Conference talk called "A God of Miracles" by Sister Sydney S. Reynolds. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk. I hope you will learn something new. 

Sister Reynolds mentioned, "Behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, and it is that same God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are” (Mormon. 9:11). Moroni proclaimed that Jesus Christ did many mighty miracles, that many mighty miracles were wrought by the hands of the Apostles, and that a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever must be a God of miracles today (Mormon 9:18; Mormon 9:9).

Think of the miracles of the Old Testament. Remember Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. For all future generations of Israelites, the great miracles that led to their deliverance from Egypt provided undeniable proof of God’s existence and His love for them.

In this dispensation we witness the great miracle of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth. It began when a young boy entered a grove of trees near Palmyra, New York, and poured out his heart and his questions to a God he believed could answer him the God of miracles. And miracles have followed in this dispensation mighty miracles including the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, which is itself another testament of Jesus Christ.
God of Miracles
Just as important as these “mighty miracles” are the smaller “private miracles” that teach each of us to have faith in the Lord. These come as we recognize and heed the promptings of the Spirit in our lives.

I believe that all of us can bear witness to these small miracles. We know children who pray for help to find a lost item and find it. We know of young people who gather the courage to stand as a witness of God and feel His sustaining hand. We know friends who pay their tithing with the last of their money and then, through a miracle, find themselves able to pay their tuition or their rent or somehow obtain food for their family. 

We can share experiences of prayers answered and priesthood blessings that gave courage, brought comfort, or restored health. These daily miracles acquaint us with the hand of the Lord in our lives.

How do we access the quiet miracle that the Lord works as He transforms us, His children, into worthy heirs of the kingdom of God? I believe it is made possible because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). I believe it comes as we yield to the enticings of the Spirit, put off the natural man, and are filled with the love of God (see Mosiah 3:19). 

“Through the Atonement of [Jesus] Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel” (A of F 1:3). All mankind that includes me, that includes you we can each have part in the Atonement, the greatest of all God’s miracles."

I strongly encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time. Here is the link below.

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Consider the Blessings

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. This post may take up to eight minutes to read. This post is based on October 2012 General Conference talk and it is called, "Consider the Blessings" by President Thomas S. Monson. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk and I hope you will learn something new as you read this post this day or this evening.

It is so true of what he said, because I will challenge you all to have a look for the blessings, large and small that you have received. Those little things counts. He mentions a lot that is really useful and I will choose those highlights to share with you. One of the things that he learnt was "never to postpone a prompting."

I loved how he was sharing stories about Blessings and it was amazed for me to read the talk. I would like to share with you one of the stories with you.
"Take an inventory of your life and look specifically for the blessings, large and small, you have received." - President Thomas S. Monson. October 7, 2012.
"as Sister Monson and I were driving home after visiting friends, I felt impressed that we should go into town a drive of many miles to pay a visit to an elderly widow who had once lived in our ward. Her name was Zella Thomas. At the time, she was a resident in a care center. That early afternoon we found her to be extremely frail but lying peacefully on her bed.

Zella had long been blind, but she recognized our voices immediately. She asked if I might give her a blessing, adding that she was prepared to die if the Lord wanted her to return home. There was a sweet, peaceful spirit in the room, and all of us knew that her remaining time in mortality would be brief. Zella took me by the hand and said that she had prayed fervently that I would come to see her and provide her a blessing. I told her that we had come because of direct inspiration from our Heavenly Father. I kissed her on the forehead, knowing that I perhaps would not again see her in mortality. Such proved to be the case, for she passed away the following day. To have been able to provide some comfort and peace to our sweet Zella was a blessing to her and to me."

Towards of the end of his talk, he mentioned what has stood out to me and I thought it would be nice if I shared it with you. He mentioned "I never cease to be amazed by how the Lord can motivate and direct the length and breadth of His kingdom and yet have time to provide inspiration concerning one individual or one cultural celebration or one Jumbotron. The fact that He can, that He does, is a testimony to me.

My brothers and sisters, the Lord is in all of our lives. He loves us. He wants to bless us. He wants us to seek His help. As He guides us and directs us and as He hears and answers our prayers, we will find the happiness here and now that He desires for us. May we be aware of His blessings in our lives, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen." 

It is so true about what he mentions throughout the talk. I strongly encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time and I would like you to encourage a friend or a relative to read this post or the whole talk in your own time. Here is the link below.

That is all from me for now, and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Have I Done Any Good in the WORLD Today?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I have multiple church hymns that I liked and one of the hymns that I do liked is called, "Have I Done Any Good?" This post is based on my suggestions of what
you can do this day and it is good choices.

If you have not heard of the hymn before, here is the link for the song cover.
"Have I Done Any Good in the WORLD today?"
If you can't see the Image above, it says "Have I Done Any Good in the WORLD today?"

My suggestions as follows,
- You could offer a Sister (who she has children) for babysitting/looking after her children so her and her husband can go on a Temple date or a dinner date.

- Think about someone who needs to receive a letter the most and give it to him or her, (it can be someone who is a or an inactive or a recent convert from your ward).

- Make a dinner for a Sister who is not capable of making her own dinner for one evening.

- If you have the confidence, you can ask any of the Young Women's Presidency from your ward for a Temple trip with the youth.

- Offer someone a lift to where they need to go (it could be anyone and could be to anywhere).

- Invite a friend who has a current Temple Recommend to go to the Temple with.

- Organise to spend a day with one of your friends who you aren't close.

- Attend a session in the Temple (it could be any session).

- Help a friend or a relative with Family History.

- Cheer up someone when they are sad.

There are so much more suggestions that I could think of, but I hope the suggestions above will help you to do something good in the world today. I would like to encourage you to think about your suggestions of what you can do something good in the world this day. That is all from me for now and I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

How do we "look up?"

This post is based on an article from January 2012 Ensign's issue and it is called, "Look Up by Elder Carl B. Cook." I definitely enjoyed reading the article, and I would like to share with you some highlights that I loved during reading the article. I hope you will learn something new this day or this evening as you read this post.
"Try not to look sideways to see how others are viewing our lives but to look up to see how Heavenly Father sees us. - Elder Carl B. Cook."
He was sharing one of his experiences as a young Missionary; He noticed that the others in his district were progressing much faster than he was. Long story short, "I began to plead with Heavenly Father for some relief. The Lord answered that prayer. I felt this thought come into my mind: “I never called you to master the German language. I just called you to serve with all of your heart, mind, and strength.”

I immediately thought, “I can do that. I can serve with all of my heart, mind, and strength. If that’s what the Lord has called me to do, I can do that.” I stood up feeling tremendously relieved.

Instead, I focused on how the Lord felt I was doing. Instead of looking to the side to compare myself to others, I began to look up, so to speak, to know what He thought of my efforts."

How do we “look up”? He shared a description for each principle that can help. I will share with you what they are, but not the description.

- Tap into Spiritual Power
- Stay True to the Direction You Receive
- Don’t Be Afraid to Act
- Stand by Your Post
- Look Heavenward

I will share with you what President Thomas S. Monson said at the end.

“Looking heavenward should be our lifelong endeavor. Some foolish persons turn their backs on the wisdom of God and follow the allurement of fickle fashion, the attraction of false popularity, and the thrill of the moment. Their course of conduct resembles the disastrous experience of Esau, who exchanged his birthright for a mess of pottage.

“And what are the results of such action? I testify to you today that turning away from God brings broken covenants, shattered dreams, and crushed hopes. Such a quagmire of quicksand I plead with you to avoid. You are of a noble birthright. Eternal life in the kingdom of our Father is your goal.

“Such a goal is not achieved in one glorious attempt, but rather is the result of a lifetime of righteousness, an accumulation of wise choices, even a constancy of purpose and lofty ideals.

“Amidst the confusion of our age, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives.”

I would like to encourage you to read the whole article in your own time. I would also like to encourage you to share with a friend or a relative with this post or the article in your own time. Here is the link.

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

How to find Strength and Success?

First and foremost, this post is short and sweet. I would like to encourage you to think about and answer the following questions in your own time. The following questions is,
"What is your definition on strength?" "What is your definition on success?"
"How do you apply strength in your life?" and "How do you find success in your life?"
This post is based on an October 2014 New Era article and it is called, "How to Find Strength and Success" by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the article. I hope you will learn something new while you are reading this post.

Elder Holland mentioned,

"Some of you know what you want to be and where you want to go with your lives, and some of you don’t. Some of you seem to have so many blessings and so many wonderful choices ahead of you. Others of you feel, for a time and for whatever reason, less fortunate and with fewer attractive paths lying immediately ahead.

But whoever you are and wherever you find yourself as you seek your way in life, I offer you “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Wherever else you think you may be going, I ask you to “come unto Him” (see Matthew 11:28–30) as the imperative first step in getting there, in finding your individual happiness and strength and success.

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. This is His true and living Church. He wishes us to come unto Him, to follow Him, to be comforted by Him. Then He wishes us to give comfort to others. May we have enough faith to accept the goodness of God and the mercy of His Only Begotten Son. May we come unto Him and His gospel and be healed."

That is all from me for now. I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone and I hope you would read the whole article in your own time. you can read the whole article in your own time. Here is the link below.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

How to make each day count?

First and foremost, I would like you to know that this post is short and sweet. I also would like you to know this post would take up to five minutes to read. Throughout my life so far, I tend to ask myself about "how can I make each day count?" time to time. I do not know if you ever ask yourself the same question.

Honestly, I would like you to think about the following question and answer it in your own time. The following question is, "How can I make each day count?"

If you were to ask me the same question and my answer would be; I make each day count by doing daily scripture study, saying my daily prayers, and try to be productive of keeping myself busy daily.

I know all of us are capable of making each day count whether it is being productive at work or focusing on your studies from school for education, and so on.

As each day goes by, we able to make choices whether it is a best choice that you ever made or a wrong choice. As each day goes by, we choose for ourselves how we should feel and react to certain things.

Each day count can be experiencing days at a time when we feel want to give up on certain things, but we need to continue pressing forward. Each day count can be experiencing days at a time when we look back on our past mistakes, but we need to move forward and focus on the present day and our current surroundings.

Each day count can be experiencing days at a time when we are feeling disappointment and hurt, but we need to seek more happiness and cheerful moments to brighten our days.
Make each day count.
Each day count can be experiencing days at a time when we are losing patience on certain things, but we need to be patient on certain things. Each day count can be experiencing days at a time when we are feeling prideful on certain things but we should not be prideful on certain things because at some point throughout the day, may make us feel selfish and upset.

You can not make the time to go faster and you also can not make the time to go slower. You need to be productive and not focusing to look what time it is as every minute goes by or every fifteen minutes that goes by.

I hope this post have helped you to find a different perspective on how to make each day count and I strongly encourage you to do whatever you can to make each day count. I also strongly encourage you to think about the following question and answer it in your own time. "What would you do tomorrow to make your day better than today?"

That is all from me for now, I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

What matters the most to you in life?

First and foremost, I would like to let you know that this post may take up to ten minutes to read. I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following two questions in your own time. The following two questions is,
"What matters the most to you in life?" and
"Why those things matters the most to you in life?" 

This post is based on an October 2005 General Conference talk and it is called, "What Matters Most is What Lasts Longest" by M. Russell Ballard. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk. I hope you will learn something new as you read this post.

Elder Ballard mentioned, "Crisis or transition of any kind reminds us of what matters most. In the routine of life, we often take our families our parents and children and siblings for granted. But in times of danger and need and change, there is no question that what we care about most is our families! It will be even more so when we leave this life and enter into the spirit world. Surely the first people we will seek to find there will be father, mother, spouse, children, and siblings.

I believe the mission statement for mortality might be “to build an eternal family.” Here on this earth we strive to become part of extended families with the ability to create and form our own part of those families. That is one of the reasons our Heavenly Father sent us here. Not everyone will find a companion and have a family in mortality, but everyone, regardless of individual circumstances, is a precious member of God’s family. 

Brothers and sisters, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the proclamation to the world on the family, which was issued by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1995.

The proclamation is a prophetic document, not only because it was issued by prophets but because it was ahead of its time. It warns against many of the very things that have threatened and undermined families during the last decade and calls for the priority and the emphasis families need if they are to survive in an environment that seems ever more toxic to traditional marriage and to parent-child relationships.
"What matters most is what lasts the longest." - M. Russell Ballard.
You are familiar with such words from the proclamation as these:
  • “Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.”
  • “Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.”
  • “Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children.”
Joseph F. Smith said: “There can be no genuine happiness separate and apart from the home, and every effort made to sanctify and preserve its influence is uplifting to those who toil and sacrifice for its establishment. Men and women often seek to substitute some other life for that of the home; they would make themselves believe that the home means restraint; that the highest liberty is the fullest opportunity to move about at will. There is no happiness without service, and there is no service greater than that which converts the home into a divine institution, and which promotes and preserves family life”

Now, one may ask, How do we protect and preserve and strengthen our homes and families in a world pulling so hard in opposite directions? Let me make three simple suggestions:

1. Be consistent in holding daily family prayer and weekly family home evenings. 

2. Teach the gospel and basic values in your home. Establish a love for reading the scriptures together. You might want to choose one gospel subject or a family value and then watch for opportunities to teach it. Be wise and do not involve children or yourselves in so many activities out of the home that you are so busy that the Spirit of the Lord cannot be recognized or felt in giving you the promised guidance for yourself and your family.

3. Create meaningful family bonds that give your children an identity stronger than what they can find with their peer group or at school or anyplace else. This can be done through family traditions for birthdays, for holidays, for dinnertime, and for Sundays. It can also be done through family policies and rules with natural and well-understood consequences. Have a simple family economy where children have specific chores or household duties and receive praise or other rewards commensurate to how well they do. Teach them the importance of avoiding debt and of earning, saving, and wisely spending money. Help them learn responsibility for their own temporal and spiritual self-reliance.

Remember that the expression of love and encouragement from an extended family member will often provide the right influence and help a child at a critical time."

That is all from me for now. I should be posting tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. I would like to encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time. Here is the link to the talk,

Friday, September 7, 2018


First and foremost, I would like to let you know that this post is short and sweet. I also would like you to know that today is the last section of the general conference talk and it is called, "Believe, Obey and Endure," by Thomas S. Monson.

Today's section would be focusing on "Endure." I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following question in your own time. The following question
is, "What is your definition on Endure?"

I would also like to encourage you to think about your definition on Endure as you read this post. I hope you will learn something new as you read this post.

President Monson mentioned, " ..
Finally, may you endure. What does it mean to endure? I love this definition: to withstand with courage. Courage may be necessary for you to believe; it will at times be necessary as you obey. It will most certainly be required as you endure until that day when you will leave this mortal existence.

I have spoken over the years with many individuals who have told me, “I have so many problems, such real concerns. I’m overwhelmed with the challenges of life. What can I do?” I have offered to them, and I now offer to you, this specific suggestion: seek heavenly guidance one day at a time. Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it’s a cinch.

Each of us can be true for just one day and then one more and then one more after that until we’ve lived a lifetime guided by the Spirit, a lifetime close to the Lord, a lifetime of good deeds and righteousness. The Savior promised, “Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.”

For this purpose have you come into mortality, my young friends. There is nothing more important than the goal you strive to attain even eternal life in the kingdom of your Father."

That is all from me for now. I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. I encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time. Here is the link below.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


First and foremost, I would like you to know that this post is short and sweet. I also would like you to know that tomorrow would be the last section of the general conference talk and it is called, "Believe, Obey and Endure," by Thomas S. Monson.

Today's section would be focusing on "Obey." I would like to encourage you to think about, ask yourself and answer the following question in your own time. The following question
is, "What is your definition on Obey?"

I would also like to encourage you to think about your definition on Obey as you read this post. I hope you will learn something new as you read this post.

President Monson mentioned, " ..
"Wonderful, glorious things are in store for you, if only you will believe, obey and endure." - Thomas S. Monson.
Next, young women, may you obey. Obey your parents. Obey the laws of God. They are given to us by a loving Heavenly Father. When they are obeyed, our lives will be more fulfilling, less complicated. Our challenges and problems will be easier to bear. We will receive the Lord’s promised blessings. He has said, “The Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.”

You have but one life to live. Keep it as free from trouble as you can. You will be tempted, sometimes by individuals you had thought friends. Precious young women, make every decision you contemplate pass this test:
“What does it do to me? What does it do for me?” And let your code of conduct emphasize not “What will others think?” but rather “What will I think of myself?” Be influenced by that still, small voice.

Remember that one with authority placed his hands on your head at the time of your confirmation and said, “Receive the Holy Ghost.” Open your hearts, even your very souls, to the sound of that special voice which testifies of truth. As the prophet Isaiah promised, “Thine ears shall hear a word saying, This is the way, walk ye in it.”

My beloved young sisters, you have the precious gift of agency. I plead with you to choose to obey."

That is all from me for now. I should be posting some time tomorrow at Pacific Daylight time zone. I would like encourage you to read the whole talk in your own time. Here is the link.